Struggling to Attract High-Volume of Customers for your Spa Business ??

Accept Our '100 Spa Appointments in 100 Days' Challenge

(Spa Growth Program Only for Spa Owners)

Get More Spa Customers, Increase Net-Profits & Grow your Practice with Our Unique SGP Program

Why Choose Digital Ratha as Your Marketing Partner?

Specialized in High-Volume SPA Marketing

Generated $100k + Revenue for Clients

95 Percent Clients' Satisfaction Rate

What is Digital Ratha SPA Growth Program?(DGP)

An Elite Customer Acquisition & Marketing System (SGP) for SPA owners who have the desire to scale their Practice with higher Net-Profits.

We Believe : We believe in granting SPA owners the freedom to work less, achieve higher profits, and spend valuable time with their family and friends.

Our Vision : Empowering SPA owners with highly Advanced Marketing techniques and comprehensive Acquisition system to drive continuous flow of customers, increase revenues and scale Practices.

Our Mission : Maximize customer reach, engagement, and acquisition through strategic marketing initiatives tailored to promote Elite spa services and foster lasting customer relationships.

Our USP : We help SPA owners to get High-Volume Customers through qualified Ready-to Visit Appointments to their practice that increases revenue without relying on Brand Building, Social Media Management, Third Party platforms ,SEO etc.

With our SGP system, you’ll be able to:

What Makes SGP Different ?

Simple ,
Our primary focus is on Qualified Booking Appointments, Customer Visits, and Consultations (addressing the most critical aspects.)

We do not emphasize reach, clicks, leads, or continuous, unwanted follow-ups.(unnecessary)

SPA Growth Program Model

Top-Notch Benefits of SGP

Saves Marketing budget by 50%

Reduces SOCIAL MEDIA efforts & time by 60%

Increases quality of leads by 70%

Don't just take our word for it, witness it for yourself...

See the Results We delivered to our Clients

and lots more in our Results Galleries....

A Sneak Peek into Digital Ratha

An extensive team of experts offers comprehensive creative digital solutions aimed at establishing your business as a prominent brand.

Be confident knowing your business is in capable hands. Our team of Google-certified professionals ensures project success, strictly following web delivery standards and SEO guidelines. Experience increased organic traffic and higher conversion rates as a result.

Be a Elite Member of our Smart Community.
Stop Wasting Time and Step ahead to Grow your SPA Business
Remember we only take 5 Clients per session.
Book Your Call before the slots run out…..